The Health Lottery has recently announced that their official bingo partner Health Bingo has joined their affiliate programme. This means that everyone who registers with the programme before the end of July will have access to a lifetime revenue of between 25% to 35%, plus a 10% share when they successfully refer ten active players a month, or 20% for 20 successful referrals.
Making The Brand Attractive
“The addition of Health Bingo provides our affiliate programme with some interesting variety, which will make the brand more attractive to a larger number of affiliates,” Yakir Firestane, head of online gaming at Health Lottery said. “We expect that affiliates will see a big boost in player registrations.” “They will also benefit from the widely recognised Health Lottery brand, which has a large national reach and continuously invests in branding opportunities.” Allan Petrilli, manager of affiliate services at Income Access, continued. “With the ability to cross-promote multiple products, affiliates will be able to drive results from a larger variety of players.” New players will receive a 200% deposit bonus up to £150 when they sign up with Health Bingo.