It’s safe to say, 2020 hasn’t exactly been a great year. But how would winning a brand new Mini Cooper sound? Paddy Power Bingo are giving away this brand-new car to one lucky winner and taking part is easy, you don’t even need to make a deposit to take part.
Win a mini – Guess or Drag it out
If you want to be in with a chance of winning, the aim of the game is to guess how many balls are inside the car and there’s a couple of ways of doing this. Firstly, there are several videos featuring glamourous drag queens filling up the car with balls. They’re giving you clues along the way so you can try and take an educated guess. Or, if you really want to take it seriously, there is a five hour YouTube video you can sit and watch in order to count all the balls going into the car. Alternatively, you can just take a wild guess at the number and hope you’re the closest. Now you see where the name ‘Guess or Drag It Out’ comes from!
Want to win? Here’s how
You don’t have to deposit a penny to take part, but you do have to be a registered member of Paddy Power bingo. Each week, Paddy Power Bingo members get to have one free guess at the number of balls that fill the car. This will run until 11th Oct when the last entry can be made. The person that guesses the correct amount will win a brand new Mini Cooper! If there are more than one players who have guessed the correct amount, they will all be put into a prize draw and a winner will be chosen. If no-one guesses the correct amount then the person that guesses the closest amount over the actual number, will win! Head over to Paddy Power Bingo to take part and if you’re not already a member, you can sign up here.